With the ever-growing need for lithium-ion batteries, chiefly from the electric the transportation industry, a large amount of lithium-ion batteries is sure to retire in the near future, thereby leading to serious disposal problems and harmful impacts on environment and energy conservation. Presently, profitable lithium-ion batteries are tranquil of switch metal oxides or phosphates, aluminium, copper, graphite, carbon-based electrolytes with harmful lithium salts, polymer centrifuges, and plastic or metal cases. The lack of proper disposal of spent lithium-ion batteries probably leads to grave consequences, like environmental pollution and waste of resources. Thus, recycling of consumed lithium-ion batteries starts to receive courtesies in latest years. However, owing to the pursuit of lithium-ion batteries with higher energy density, higher safety and more affordable price, the materials used in lithium-ion batteries are of wide diversity and ever-evolving, consequently carrying problems to the recycling of consumed lithium-ion batteries. To address this issue, both technological innovations and the participation of governments are required. This article provides a review of recent advances in recycling technologies of spent lithium-ion batteries, including the development of recycling processes, the products obtained from recycling, and the effects of recycling on environmental burdens. In addition, the remaining challenges and future perspectives are also highlighted.


      The electric-vehicle revolution, driven by the imperatives to decarbonize personal transportation in order to meet global targets for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality in urban centres, is to optimize material use and lifecycle impacts. Markets for energy storage are under development as energy regulators in various locations transition to cleaner energy sources. Energy storage is particularly sought- after in areas where weak grids require reinforcement, where high penetration of renewables requires supply to be balanced with demand, where there is an opportunity for trading energy with the grid and in off-grid applications. Second-use battery projects have started to develop in locations where there is regulatory and market alignment. However, large concentrations of waste—be it for refurbishment, re-manufacture, dismantling or final disposal—can create substantial challenges. A fire in stockpiled tyres in Powys, Wales, for example, smouldered for fifteen years from 1989 to 2004. Since the electrode materials in LIBs are far set to change the automotive industry radically. In 2017, sales of electric 13 vehicles exceeded one million cars per year worldwide for the first time. Making conservative assumptions of an average battery pack weight of 250 kg and volume of half a cubic metre, the resultant pack wastes would comprise around 250,000 tonnes and half a million cubic metres of unprocessed pack waste, when these vehicles reach the end of their lives. Although re-use and current recycling processes can divert some of these wastes from landfill, the cumulative burden of electric-vehicle waste is substantial given the growth trajectory of the electric-vehicle market. This waste presents a number of serious challenges of scale; in terms of storing batteries before repurposing or final disposal, in the manual testing and dismantling processes required for either, and in the chemical separation processes that recycling entails. Lithium-ion batteries are initially to be used in significant amounts for automotive force. Because these batteries are expected to last the life of the vehicle, they will not be ending their useful lives in large numbers for about 10 years. They may consequently be used for utility energy storage, but ultimately their useful lives will finish. The question is, what steps can be taken to ensure that these spent Li-ion batteries are recycled. In an ideal system, these batteries would be sent for responsible recycling and not be exported to developing countries with less stringent environmental, health, and safety regulations. Methods are needed for the safe and economical transport and processing of the spent batteries, as well as environmentally sound recycling. In addition, the recycled product needs to be of high enough quality to find a market for its original purpose, or it must find an alternative market. Fortunately, a battery recycling system is in place that already works well, and many lessons can be learned from it.




      Lead-acid battery recycling Disposal of Pb–acid batteries is against the law in most states, and lots of states require a monetary deposit as an incentive for consumers to return their batteries. Most Pb–acid batteries are collected when new ones are purchased (the dealers are required to accept them and are paid for their trouble). In some cases, spent batteries can be returned to the manufacturer via back-haul (in the United States, not Europe), minimizing transportation costs. Additionally, as required by law, batteries are stripped from vehicles that have gone out of service and are about to be shredded. Regulations concerning transportation and processing of batteries are in place and widely known. The lead-acid battery components are recycled by an easy process. First, the battery case is broken open, and therefore the vitriol electrolyte is drained out and picked up. The plates and connectors can be removed from the case at this point and recovered whole. The lead-acid battery components are recycled by a simple process. First, the battery case is broken open, and therefore the vitriol electrolyte is drained out and picked up. The plates and connectors can be removed from the case at this point and recovered whole. Alternatively, the drained battery can be sent to a hammer-mill for size reduction, and the plastic and lead can be separated by a simple sink-float device. The recovered lead (a low-melting metal) is remelted and purified to form new bat- trey components. Lead and sulphur emissions from secondary smelting are tightly regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency. The plastic is melted and moulded into new cases. The acid can be neutralized or processed to sulphate salts for various uses, such as the manufacture of soap. The recycling operation is profitable because recycled lead (taken back to its elemental form and purified) is known to be of high quality, so there is little incentive to export to places with less-stringent regulations, although some batteries do find their way to Mexico. Some battery manufacturers prefer new over the recycled lead. A key reason for the success of lead-acid battery recycling is that essentially all of the manufacturers use the same raw materials: lead, lead oxide and sulphuric acid in a polypropylene case. Because the battery design is analogous for the manufacturers, automated technology is often used for battery disassembly. In summary, lead-acid recycling works well because it's profitable, it's illegal to dispose of the batteries without recycling, the battery disassembly is straightforward due to the quality design used, the battery chemistry doesn't require segregation, and therefore the recycling process is straightforward


      Recycling of automotive lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries is more complex and not yet recognized because few end-of-life batteries will need recycling for a further decade. There is thus the chance now to obviate a number of the technical, economic, and institutional roadblocks which may arise.



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