A Collaborative Study of Generative Design and Additive Manufacturing in Automobile Industry
A Collaborative Study of Generative Design and Additive Manufacturing in Automobile Industry
A new emerging technology with great potential in the industry known as Metal additive manufacturing.
Moreover, with the help of new and advanced technologies like generative design, we can maximize this potential for
additive manufacturing solutions by computing complex optimized parts. recent studies on automotive design aim to
cut vehicle and components weights, optimizing vehicle performances, and contribute to the challenge of reducing
fuel consumption and operational costs. In this perspective, innovative materials and technologies are developed but
also advances in design methods and tools. Generative Design is a different tactic to automatically augment the
component design. The design process must be considered to accomplish the finest solution, about design parameters,
requirements, and limits Additive manufacturing technologies can now be used in constructing metallic parts. This
revolution in manufacturing technology makes way for the fabrication of new shapes and geometrical features
Additive manufacturing (AM) methods have
been usually used for rapid prototyping
purposes for a great period of time in the last 30
years. They comprise of building an object
“from scratch” or a semi-finished part acting as
substrate. Thanks to many technological
enhancements, these developments can now be
used for swift manufacturing purposes [1].
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is an embryonic
production technology in engineering every so
often seen as the subsequent industrial
revolution. Undeniably, AM is budding bigger
every year and calculations on the related
market see this trend growing even more, as a
result of increased usage of this technology and
expansion in the fields of application [2]. In
contrast to orthodox manufacturing
technologies, AM offers greater freedom of
design and possibilities for mass customization
[3]. Furthermore, this technology is capable of
constructing prototypes or even finished parts
in a short period without tooling or casts [4]. It
can also yield intricate parts for both
professional and personal uses. Additionally,
evolving Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
technologies like generative design can
maximize the already huge potential of AM.
The generative design tools help create
optimized parts or assembly by employing
computer power and optimization technologies
[5]. Similar to the AM field, the generative
design ecosystem keeps budding every year.
There is the rising use of generative design
resolutions in chief industries like the
automotive and aerospace domains, as well as
an increasing number of generative design
Generative Design (GD) is “a category of
technologies that suggests design options, or
optimizes an existing design, to meet criteria
defended by the user” [5]. Indeed, designers lay
down their part constraints and objectives in
GD software. Then the software’s objectives
are to propose an improved part design. The
recommended options can be adjusted for
weight, stiffness, frequency, etc. [6] In that
way, GD has a substantial impact on the design
process. Part of the design procedure is now
automated by GD software, saving time for
designers but also altering their orthodox
working method. Their new role is now to make
a comprehensive study of the part, so they can
set up every applicable input (simulation
parameters, criteria, and objectives) for the GD
software. At the end of the GD process, it is also
the designers’ role to evaluate the diverse
design possibilities and choose amid them the
best suited for their application,[7] Generative
Design is a design method for apprehending the
designer’s intent, engendering new solutions.
Categorized by data-driven collaborative
cloud-based technology, it depends on a highly
automated activity. A set of parameters and
rules (commands to the designer) is taken into
consideration as the DNA of the design process;
rules and parameters are considered as the
genes. They are conjoined by evolutionary
algorithms or even “brute force” calculations.
The introduction of such trials into the design
procedure allows the development of
innovative design resolutions by adjusting the
rules that outline a final design, difficult or
impossible to attain via other methods.
Grammar-based techniques exploit the
principle of database strengthening the
identification of rules, creating complex forms
and patterns from simple stipulations.
Generative design principles established
particular attention in architecture; some good
definitions coming from that field are reported
here [8]
Lars Hesselgren stated that Generative design
isn't about designing the structure – It’s about
designing the system that builds a structure.
Paola Fontana states that it is the initial
conditions of an object rather than modeling the
final form in the Generative Design Process
Kristina Shea appends that Generative Design
Systems are made to create New Design
Processes that generate spatially new yet
effective and buildable designs through the
exploitation of current computing and
manufacturing capabilities.
A. Topology Optimization: There are different tools accessible for GD,
for instance, lattice infill or meta-structure
blending. But the most widespread tool,
booming automated optimization, is topology
optimization.[5] Topology Optimization
(TO) is the technology optimizing the
material layout within a specified design
space.[9] Topology Optimization goals are to
augment a part property (weight, stiffness,
frequency …) while valuing a definite set of
limitations. To do so, the Topology
Optimization process uses various
mathematical algorithms and methods. Each
Topology Optimization method has several
versions aiming at faster optimization or
addressing characteristic optimization’s
issues one of the most popular Topology
Optimization methods is the Solid Isotropic
Material with Penalization (SIMP) method.
This distinct method idea is to give an
element a continuous virtual density between
0 and 1 and steer the result to 0 or 1 after each
iteration with a penalization factor. Another
noteworthy distinct method is the
Evolutionary Structural Optimization (ESO)
method which is based on biomimicry. This
discrete method uses finite component
breakdown to determine and remove the
inefficient components and make the
structure evolve into its optima counterpart.
Indeed, after each iteration, the components
with the lowest stress density are removed
until all the residual components have an
equal stress density [10]. One direct
improvement of this method, even closer to
mimicking nature growth, is to also add
components near the highest stress density
components as well as eliminating the lowest
stress density one.[11] The discrete element
methods face some disputes of their own, the
two most common are the mesh dependency
issues, i.e., optimization results vary
depending on the mesh, and the checkerboard
issue, i.e., stiffness is virtually high due to a
checkboard pattern of the elements.
Addressing these issues, a recent Topology
Optimization method emerged: The Movable
Morphable Component (MMC) method. In
opposition to the two previous methods,
MMC is not distinct. The core idea is to find
the optimal structure topology by optimizing
the thickness, shape, orientation, and layout
of a set of morphable components, i.e.,
building blocks [12]
Topology Optimization: on the left SIMP method iterations [9],
on the upper right ESO method iterations [10], on the bottom
right MMC method iterations [12]
B. Synthesis of Generative Design
The study of GD is essential to comprehend the
GD tools optimizing operations. It is also
acceptable to review the various tools
possibilities, similarities, and differences.
Multiple Design Options of the same General Motors Seat
Bracket proposed by Autodesk Generative Design tool [15]
Nowadays it is commonly accepted that in
automotive and industrial applications, we can
attain the key advantages from the introduction
of advanced design procedures if we associate
them with Additive Manufacturing (AM)
processes and techniques. Therefore, we must
contemplate also the coupling of evolutionary
algorithms with innovative manufacturing
processes, like Additive Manufacturing, and
new materials. This combination introduces
more degrees of freedom in the final design
concept: for example, the mixing of materials
with different properties allows having
different properties distributed in different
zones of the same part, leading to multifunctional concepts. The opportunities offered
by AM are not constrained to multi-functional
concepts. Deliberate that, over the last years,
AM’s implementation has increased across
industries, with the aerospace industry
contributing about 10.2% of AM’s global
revenues in 2012. AM provides the flexibility
to create complex part geometries that are
problematic to build using traditional
manufacturing, such as internal cavities or
lattice structures that help reduce parts’ weight
without compromising their mechanical
performance.[13] Additionally, AM’s impact
on economies of scale and scope makes it a
natural fit for automotive, which is mainly
geared toward customized production. The new
system, once manufactured thanks to AM,
should fulfil the practical requirements in an
innovative and more efficient way, also
targeting a humbler design and a substantial
cost reduction. Novel structural materials and
advanced AM techniques make these
technologies ready to be presented within the
generative design process also for safety critical contexts, such as the aeronautical. Even
if the advantages from the introduction of the
couple Generative Design and Additive
Manufacturing have been widely considered.
Typical automotive design practices consider
the design process spread into three main
phases: the conceptual design, the preliminary
design, and the detailed design. Conceptual
Design is an early phase of the design process.
Preliminary Design means that part of the
Development Phase where all of the geometric
design elements, Detailed design is the phase
where the design is refined and plans,
specifications, and estimates are created The
design solution is proposed throughout the
typical diverging – converging process, in
relation to design necessities and limits.
Multidisciplinary optimization processes are
currently being developed to support the
designer in assessing the optimal solution, in
relation to all design features and constraints.
Generative Design is a novel form-finding
process that considers structural performances,
material properties, and ergonomic demand,
throughout an automatic iterative holistic
approach for component topology
Before starting the GD process, an initial study
relating to the part Specification is required.
This study is decisive since all the final GD
options projected in the end rely on it. Meaning,
the designer needs to have a seamless
understanding of all part interactions with its
environment before starting the GD process
entire volume available in which GD software
can operate, every space outside the design
space cannot be used. Thus, according to its
former study of the part, the designer’s role is
to determine the utmost space the part could ft
in, so the results at the end of the process are the
most augmented ones. To complete the design
space, the designer also needs to specify the
conserved geometries and voids within the
design space, i.e., the functional volumes.
Then, the designer applies the set of loads and
boundary conditions, i.e., the load cases, on this
design space.
Generic Generative Design Workflow [16]
A. Translation Phase
The first phase in the GD process, based on the
outcomes of the past functional analysis, is
translation. In this phase, the part specifications
are “translated” into inputs for the GD software.
The designer must define the basis of his
optimization: the design space. The design
space is the entire volume available in which
GD software can function, every space outside
the design space cannot be utilized. Thus,
according to its preceding study of the part, the
designer’s role is to govern the maximal space
the part could fit in, so the results at the end of
the process are the most optimized ones. To
complete the design space, the designer also
needs to mention the preserved geometries and
voids within the design space, i.e., the
functional volumes. Then, the designer applies
the set of loads and boundary conditions, i.e.,
the load cases, on this design space
B. Processing Phase
To begin with the second phase, the designer
needs to arrange his/ her optimization, i.e., to
point out the optimization objectives and
restraints. Some usual parameters are the
material, the percentage of the design space
volume for the solution, the minimal element
size, etc. The designer can now run the
optimization process. The second step of the
GD process is the computing, this step usually
does not include the designer except for
software proposing live feedback and live
alteration on the optimization runs. With all the
previous step information, the software finds
solutions attaining the specified objectives and
constraints. In the third step of the GD process,
the designer must evaluate the options proposed
by the GD software to find the one best suited
to its requirements. The designer’s proficiency
is once again decisive as the choice is based on
the part context in terms of cost, manufacturing,
production, quality, etc. If the designer is not
satisfied by the GD proposed options or if he
wants to enhance the optimization results, he
can loop back to the first step to adapt the
optimization parameters and produce new
options. In the fourth step, the designer can
refine even more the solution subsequently by
blending complex meta-structure in the
optimized part. For example, some software
proposes to blend complex meta-structures like
lattices, gyroids, bone-infill-like structures, etc.
Once this augmentation is done, the designer
should finally run an analysis of his/her solution
to determine its performance and certify the
validity of the part specifications. If the
specifications are not met, the designer should
loop back to the first set-up step and modify the
initial parameters.
VI. CASE STUDY on How Generative Design
Enhances Autonomous-
Vehicle Development [19]
The technological ramp to completely
independent vehicles present striking
challenges for the company’s imperative
independent-vehicle (AV) programs. Advanced
detector technology, high-speed and highbandwidth data networks, and slice-edge
artificial intelligence are all decisive to the
functional and marketable success of AVs. In
addition, utmost approximations prognosticate
that AVs will bear billions of country miles
worth of testing to certify their safety.
Manufacturers will need to integrate the
assignments learned through dissembled and
real-world testing into their AV designs to
remain competitive.
Sensors Field of Perception in Autonomous Vehicles [17]
1. Autonomous- vehicle platforms must
connect an array of advanced detectors and
computers through high-speed data networks to
perceive, assess, and act on environmental
The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
states six situations of complication for
independent vehicles, from zero to five. An
auto with position-two autonomy may feature
active voyage control, a lane-departure warning
system, lane keep help, and parking backing. In
total, this auto requires about 17 detectors to
enable its motorist-backing systems.
The calculations performed by such an auto’s
automated systems are fairly primitive. The
lane- keep- help system, for case, is only
assigned with covering the vehicle’s position
relative to the lines of the road. Should the
motorist begin to transgress, the system will
notify the motorist or take corrective action, but
the ultimate responsibility for control of the
vehicle lies with the motorist.
A position-five AV will have complete control
over the driving task, taking no mortal input. As
a result, a position-five auto is projected to have
further than 30 fresh detectors of an important
wider variety to cover the immense number of
tasks an independent vehicle will need to
attain.On top of the ultrasonic, compass
camera, and long-and short-range radar
detectors of a position-two auto, position five
will bear long-range and stereo cameras,
LiDAR, and dead-reckoning detectors. The
increase in detectors will increase the quantum
of wiring demanded in the harness and the
necessary computational coffers to handle the
gigabits of data being produced by the
2. A completely independent vehicle will bear
numerous types of detectors to directly perceive
dynamic driving surroundings. While
designing a position-five platform,
masterminds will need to perform armature and
concession analyses to examine architectural
proffers, similar to a centralized vs. sphere vs.
distributed armature. These analyses will need
to regard for hundreds of factors and millions
of signals while enhancing function locales,
network quiescence, error rates, and more.
Despite these challenges, the independent
drive is a raising request. At least 144
companies have blazoned AV programs. Some
of these are major automotive manufacturers
seeking to stay ahead of the coming assiduity
interruption, but utmost are startups or
companies from other diligence seeking to
enter a traditionally impenetrable request.
These companies warrant assiduity-specific
experience and the engineering coffers to
spontaneously force their way through the
complications of independent vehicle design.
Indeed the major automotive OEMs will face
problems that their heritage design overflows
are ill-equipped to handle. To contend, these
companies will need a new design methodology
that permits youthful masterminds to design
accurate and optimized systems, which can
only be done by landing the experience and
knowledge of expert masterminds. They will
need generative design. Generative Design and
Generative design takes system delineations
and conditions as input and generates
architectural flings for the sense, software,
tackle, and networks of the electrical and
electronic systems using rules-grounded
robotization. These rules capture the
knowledge and experience of the expert
masterminds to guide youngish masterminds
throughout the design. Landing this IP helps
companies to advance both vehicle
infrastructures and new generations of
masterminds as they learn and apply being
company knowledge.
3. Generative design uses rules-grounded
robotization to induce proffers for the sense,
software, tackle, and networks of the electrical
and electronic (E/ E) system.
The adding electrical and electronic content of
ultramodern vehicles is formerly conclusive
current design styles to their limits, yet the
complexity of automotive systems will only
continue to grow in the future. Autonomous
buses will contain the most complicated
electrical and electronic systems yet seen in the
automotive assiduity.
For case, further, than 30 detectors, country
miles of wiring, and hundreds of ECUs will be
needed to gather, move, and process the data
necessary for independent driving. The data
networks will need to be extremely fast to
support real-time perceptivity, decisiontimber, and action to help collisions and
detriment to mortal passengers or climbers.
Masterminds developing these vehicles will
also need to balance performance conditions
against power consumption, physical space
constraints, weight, and thermal considerations.
Generative design authorizes automotive
masterminds to attack the challenges of
electrical and electronic systems design for
independent vehicles. It employs rulesgrounded robotization for rapid-fire design
admixture, enables masterminds to design in
the environment of a full vehicle platform, and
tightly integrates colorful design disciplines to
ensure data abidance.
Originally, employing robotization throughout
the process will help design brigades manage
design complexity without adding time-torequest. Robotization helps masterminds
concentrate on the most dangerous aspects of
the design and verification of the functionality
of the E/ E system’s functionality and reduces
crimes from homemade data entry. This
empowers masterminds to concentrate further
of their time on applying their creativity and
inventiveness to creating the coming generation
of automotive technology improvements.
Robotization also applies company IP to the
generated proffers through design rules, adding
the delicacy and quality of the designs.
Next, designing in the full platform
environment helps masterminds to understand
the way signals, cables, and other factors are
enforced across the entire vehicle platform,
thereby reducing crimes at interfaces or due to
the complexity of the harness. This design
inflow also enables brigades to exercise
undisciplined data across vehicle platforms to
ameliorate quality and reduce development
Eventually, a tightly unified terrain enables the
electrical masterminds to partake data with
masterminds and tools in other disciplines,
similar to mechanical or PCB design. The
relations between the electrical, mechanical,
and software factors of a vehicle are adding.
Flawless synchronization of data between these
disciplines improves the integration of them
into a single system.
Generative design also creates a nonstop thread
of data from the primary system description and
conditions to full-scale product and service.
The same data forages each stage of the
generative design inflow so that nothing is lost
between design stages or design disciplines.
This nonstop thread of data keeps all
engineering platoon members up to date and
working with the most current data while also
icing that designs are meeting colorful
conditions for functionality, safety, weight, and
so forth.
4. Generative design ensures data continuity
from initial system definitions through
production and after-sales for full traceability
and acquiescence with requirements.
Data continuity ensures that projects have a
single data source, providing a clear picture of
the innumerable inter-domain and inter-system
interactions. Designs can be automatically
checked against design rules to ensure their
functionality, accuracy, and quality. As
changes are made to the design, they can be
examined with detailed impact analysis that
will inform the engineer of issues the change
may cause in other domains. For instance,
moving or removing an ECU could be
evaluated for its impact on network timing,
signal integrity, or physical clearance and
collision issues. As a result, changes are made
knowing their full impact on the system.
Generative design will be a key enabler for new
and established automotive companies in their
quest of developing fully autonomous vehicles.
The ability to generate electrical system
architectures automatically enables early
exploration and optimization of designs while
entrenching company IP into the design flow.
In addition, a singular source of data promotes
consistency between domains, design reuse,
and enhances the analysis of change impact.
Finally, tight integrations between the electrical
domains and with mechanical and product
lifecycle management tools streamline the
entire design flow from the outset through
The massive intricacy intrinsic in AV design
will continue to push the tools and
methodologies used by automotive engineers.
This is especially true in the electrical and
electronic systems domains as they come to
dominate the operation of a vehicle’s safetycritical systems and conveniences. The winners
in this disruptive technology will be those
companies that can most effectively integrate
the advanced technologies required for an
autonomous drive into a package that’s reliable,
safe, and attractive to consumers, and then get
those technologies to market quickly and with
a high level of quality.
Generative Design is an innovative procedure
to support the designer in widely exploring the
design space. It is not only a topology
optimization, nor an evolutionary algorithm,
but it syndicates several optimization modules
to topology definition within a CAD
environment, according to design requirements,
limits, and the bounding space. The output is
not only the most appropriate solution, while it
is a family of different results that the designer
could properly select and modify. The solution
space is generally established considering
freeform shapes: it would not be possible to
reach a better solution using a traditional design
method. Additionally, the selected shape is
designed to be manufactured by an Additive
Manufacturing process. Even if some case
studies and some tools have been developed,
the potentials brought by Generative Design
principles are not yet discovered enough. Some
examples have been well-thought-out in small
component design. Additive manufacturing is
formerly being used at the sports auto
manufacturer in prototype construction,
manufacturing spare corridor for classic sports
buses as well as in other areas. For the first time,
the pistons for the high-performance machine
of the 911 flagship model were designed using
topology optimization, the GT2 RS, are now
being produced with a 3D printer with the help
of generative design. General Motors also used
generative design before this time in an
evidence-of-conception design to develop a
featherlight seat-type prototype for its electric
buses of the future. The technology is also
proving its value for the future of space
The work presented in this paper was to a very
large extent based on Assignments for
Bachelor’s Degree Conducted by Prof.
Rajeshwar Deshmukh
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