Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)

 Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)

Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)

Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)


       Antilock Braking System (ABS) is used in advanced automobiles to stop slip and locking of the wheel when brakes applied. It is an automobile safety system, the controller is provided to regulate the necessary torque to maintain optimum slip ration. The slip ration denotes in terms of vehicle speed and wheel rotation. It’s an automatic system that runs on principles of threshold braking and tempo braking which were practiced by skilled drivers with a former generation braking system. Its reaction time is extremely faster in order that makes easy steering for the driving force. ABS classically offer generous vehicle control and minimalize the stopping distance in the slippery and dry surface, conversely on loose surface like grit or snow-covered roadway, ABS can meaningfully increase braking distance, even though still improving vehicle control.


      Antilock braking system (ABS) prevents brakes from locking during braking. In usual braking condition the driver alteration the brakes, but during severe braking or on slippery roads when the driver the wheels to approach lockup, the antilock takes over here. The ABS tempers the brake line pressure autonomous of the pedal force to carry the wheel speed back to the slip level range that necessary to the optimal braking performance. The ABS does not let full wheel lock in braking. In simple terms, during the emergency of braking, the wheel does not get locked even if you push a full auto pedal and hence the skidding does not take place. It allowed drivers to regulate the car easier, even on roads with low adhesion, such a rain, snow, and muddy road. The mind of the antilock braking system contains Electronic Control Unit (ECU), wheel speed instrument, and hydraulic modulator. ABS may be a loop; hence it used the feedback control system that modulates the brake pressure in response to the wheel deceleration and wheel angular velocity to prevent the controlled wheel from locking.


 Wheel-Speed Sensors

       All of the ABS wheel speed sensors notice the speed of the corresponding wheel. The sensor consists of an enduring magnet, coil, and tonewheel. The magnetic flux produced by the permanent magnet changes as each tooth of the tone wheel (which rotates together with the wheel) passes in front of the magnet’s pole piece. The altering magnetic flux induces voltages at a frequency reliable to the wheel speed.

Electronic Control Unit (ECU)

      The effort of ECU is to obtain, amplifies, and filters the sensor signals for calculating the speed rotation and acceleration of the vehicle. ECU also uses the speeds of two slantwise conflicting wheels to analyze an approximation for the speed of the vehicle. The slip of every wheel is obtaining by comparing the reference speed with the individual wheel. During wheel slip or wheel hastening condition signal server to attentive the ECU. The minicomputer is aware by sending the trigger the pressure switch valve of the solenoids of the pressure modulator to modulate the brake pressure in the distinct wheel brake cylinders. The ECU reacts to a documented defect or error by switching off the broken part of the system or shutting down the whole ABS 

Hydraulic Pressure Modulator/ Hydraulic Control Unit

      The Hydraulic pressure modulator is an electro-hydraulic expedient for plunging, reinstating, and land the pressure of the wheel by working the solenoid valve within the hydraulic brakes system. ABS hydraulic modulator component contains the valve, solenoid, and piston. Under the hard braking condition, this assembly controls the holding and release of the various hydraulic brakes circuit. Throughout the normal condition, the normal braking system used. Whenever a hard braking condition occurs, the system senses the change in the revolution of the speed sensor and decides whether to grip or release pressure to a brake circuit. A tire has its best traction just before it begins to skid, once it begins to skid a portion of traction and steering will be lost.



       Different schemes of anti-lock braking system use depending upon the types of brakes use. Contingent upon the channel (valve) and number of speed sensors the antilock brake is classified.

Four Channels, Four Sensors ABS

       It is a better type, the speed sensor on all the four wheels and contain a separate valve for all four wheels. By exhausting this setup, the controller monitors each wheel separately to make sure it is attaining an all-out braking force.

 Three Channels, Three Sensors ABS

       This type of system is can be found commonly in the pickup trucks with four wheels ABS, on each of the front wheels there's a controller and a speed sensor, and one controller and one sensor for both rear wheels. The speed sensor for rear wheels is found within the rear axle. To attain the all-out braking force, this system delivers separate control to the front wheels. The rear wheels, however, are controlled together; they are both have to start to padlock before the ABS will active on the rear. With the help of this system, it's possible that one of the rear wheels will padlock throughout a stop, dipping brake effectiveness.

One Channel, One Sensor ABS

       This Preparation can be seen in pickup trucks and hefty trucks with rear-wheel ABS. It consists of one valve, which operates both the rear wheel and a one-speed sensor situated in the rear axle. This is fairly alike as the rear end of a three-channel system. The rear wheel is monitored together and they both have to lockup before ABS starts its action. In this system there is also the likelihood that one of the rear wheels will lock, consequences falling in brake efficiency. This system is easy to classify, typically there will be a single brake line working through a T-fitting to both rear wheels.

Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)


IMPORTANCE OF ABS Stopping Distance

       The Ending distance is one of the significant factors when it comes on behalf of braking. Ending distance is the function of vehicle mass, its first velocity, and the braking force. Ending distance can be minimizing by increasing in braking force (keeping all other factors constant). In all types of road surfaces, there is always exists peaking friction. An antilock structure can attain an all-out fictional force and results in a minimum ending distance. This objective of antilock systems, however, is tempered by the necessity for vehicle stability and steerability. Stability the elemental purpose of the braking system is to decelerating and stopping of auto, maximum friction force might not be described in some cases like asphalt and ice (p-split) surface, such significantly more braking force is obtainable on one side of the vehicle than on the opposite side. So when applying the full brake on both the edges will result in a yaw or skidding moment which will tend to tug the vehicle to the high friction side and results in vehicle instability. Here comes the idea of an antilock system that upholds the slip both rear wheels at an equal level and minimalizes two friction coefficient points, then the lateral force is fairly high though not maximized. This donates to constancy and is an impartial of antilock systems

Steer ability

        Good peak frictional force control is important so as to realize satisfactory lateral forces and, therefore, satisfactory steerability. Steer ability while braking is vital not just for minor course corrections but also for the likelihood of steering around an obstacle. Tire characteristics play a crucial role in the braking and steering response of a vehicle. For ABS-armed vehicles, the tire performance is of serious implication. All braking and steering forces must be generated within the tiny tire contact patch between the vehicle and therefore the road. Tire traction forces also as side forces can only be produced when a difference exists between the speed of the tire circumference and the speed of the vehicle comparative to the road surface. This difference is denoted as a slip. It’s common to relate the tire braking force to the tire braking slip. After the peak value has been reached, the amplified tire slip causes a decrease of the tire-road friction coefficient. ABS has to limit the slip to values below the height value to stop the wheel from locking. Tires with a high peak friction point achieve maximum friction at 10 to twenty slip. The best slip value reductions as tire-road friction cuts.


        With the growth in technology in automobiles, the braking system is getting more and more progressive. Antilock brakes help drivers to own better control of a vehicle in some road circumstances where hard braking may be necessary. In vehicles deprived of antilock brake systems, drivers who meeting slippery conditions have to pump their brakes to form sure they are doing not spin out of control because of locked-up wheels. Antilock braking system organizes wheel action with a sensor on each wheel that controls brake pressure as necessary so that all wheels are working in an alike speed range




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